These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.

Lobsters didn't end up growing into what I hoped, but I think it had some good ideas and I am proud of what I (initially) built, especially with the invite tree
But I don't know how it became this laughing stock that everyone likes to dunk on, which makes me sad
Anyway, it came up on the latest Oxide & Friends in the context of Blue Sky using a similar invitation system for moderation during their private beta

If you need to bridge LocalTalk to Ethernet in 2023, these Asante AsanteTalk devices are garbage
I was struggling with them for years, dealing with devices not showing up in Chooser, devices that would take ~30 seconds to show up, and having to restart Netatalk and the AsanteTalk in some magic voodoo order to make everything work
I replaced mine with a Farallon EtherMac iPrint (not just for printers) and all of my problems went away and all devices show up instantly, every time
I told this to a friend the other week who was having similar problems with an AsanteTalk which were solved by switching to a Farallon device

My beige Epson Zip drive collection is expanding
This new one needed a thorough cleaning but seems slightly less yellowed than the first one

Oldie but a goodie

Today I'm releasing version 2.0 of Subtext, my BBS server for classic Mac OS, now with FidoNet support

Am I the only one that finds the default letter spacing of Substack's custom font to be way too wide? Tweaking the CSS to add "letter-spacing: -0.5px;" makes it so much more readable for me.

Oh you can't decide which Mastodon instance to join?
Try picking from 37 Geocities neighborhoods not realizing you can't change it later and the Wayback Machine will haunt your dreams with screenshots of your homepage and the webrings you joined for the rest of your adult life

And prior to Apple Airport firmware 7.9.1 (2019), even if you did a factory reset of the device, your configuration was still kept on it but just made inactive.
You could factory reset one, enable SSH, then login and see the previous configuration which would include the WiFi network key, any RADIUS authentication credentials, and an Apple ID "infinite authentication token" if "Back to my Mac" was enabled (though I never found out what token allowed access to).

Use this One Weird Trick to get new users!
"Toward the end of that first year, we had gotten access to a Unix server, and I accidentally found Usenet, the discussion system, by mistyping rm as rn, the Usenet reader."

Yeah flight simulators are cool but what about a BIOS simulator

I don't know how I never heard of Station Eleven before this week, but that was a great series

Maybe GPT will replace us after all...

Can you find the bug in this code?