I installed some communications program on my Mac Plus a while ago and at every boot I'd get this extension showing up and a new "Communications Folder" in my System Folder even if I deleted it before rebooting. \
These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.
I installed some communications program on my Mac Plus a while ago and at every boot I'd get this extension showing up and a new "Communications Folder" in my System Folder even if I deleted it before rebooting. \
My awesome new 10Mb RAM upgrade for my PowerBook 180 made by @Siliconinsid@twitter.com
I made a website to share desktop screenshots where each window can be annotated. It also allows browsing all screenshots of a program, window manager, or OS.
This is the oldest I have from 22 years ago (mouse over the image for annotations):
Not sure if I trust the Tasmanian Devil with my data
I recently bought a whole bunch of these right-angle DB25 adapters ideal for SCSI2SD v5.5 (or any SCSI thing) on compact Macs, and I offering them on @tindie@twitter.com for ~half the price they are normally sold
It's nice that so many programs and libraries have adopted NO_COLOR in the past four years, but if programs would just stop printing random colors to the terminal without asking, this list wouldn't have to be so long.
Using the PowerBook 180's internal 14.4kbps modem to dial into my BBS server 6 feet away, to courier files via XModem
and OpenBSD too!
I admire @hjalfi@twitter.com's persistence in porting OSes to random hardware like Fuzix to the ESP8266 and now EmuTOS to the Alphasmart Dana
Though I am now terrified of ever having to do anything SD-card related
I will also be at VCF Midwest next month
My laptop of choice in 2001 was the Sony VAIO PCG-Z505 (with WaveLAN 802.11b PCMCIA card)
In 2001 I was working at a small ISP doing software development and had just bought my first townhouse
My "server room" at my new house was architecturally diverse with i386, powerpc, and alpha OpenBSD servers (plus a Tektronix X terminal)
I made my first OpenBSD commit 20 years ago today