
These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.

joshua stein via - Apr 21 2021 16:45:24

Also, I don't get why Microsoft limits AMD models to the Ryzen 5 with only one color and small SSD, but if you just go through their small business store, you can opt for Ryzen 7 and 1Tb SSD

joshua stein via - Apr 21 2021 16:45:23

It seems weird to me that it has an AMD CPU/GPU but the WiFi is still Intel

With SMT enabled, you get 16 cpu devices which seems kinda crazy on a laptop:

cpu15: AMD Ryzen 7 Microsoft Surface (R) Edition, 1996.25 MHz, 17-60-01

joshua stein via - Apr 21 2021 16:45:22

Surface Laptop 4 Ryzen 7 (16Gb/1Tb) review after 15 minutes:
- Feels very MacBook Pro 2015; larger/heavier than it should be, big bezel, but good keyboard and quiet touchpad
- OpenBSD compatibility is nil; no keyboard, no battery status, no S3, amdgpu bombs, but iwx wifi works

joshua stein via - Apr 20 2021 22:01:23

I needed to monitor how far `gzip -d dump.sql.gz` was, long after I started it (without pv):

$ ruby -e 'loop do n = `fstat -o dump.sql.gz`.split("\n").last.split(" ")[8].split(":").map(&:to_i); printf("%0.2f%%\n", (n[1] / n[0].to_f) * 100.0); sleep 1; end'