Come on, Apple. The drives in your laptops haven't ever looked like this but it's still the default icon.
These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.
Come on, Apple. The drives in your laptops haven't ever looked like this but it's still the default icon.
One of these is slow and constantly has its fan running. The other doesn't have a fan :)
THINK Reference is like a hypertext man page viewer (Microsoft Help anyone?)
It's as if Symantec translated all the Inside Macintosh volumes from Pascal to C and added detailed explanations of struct members and stuff. I wish I had known about this months ago!
Unboxing software from 30 years ago
Yeah, vinyl has a nice warm sound but have you ever heard 40kb/s mono RealAudio recordings of a drum & bass radio show from 1998?
The show was 91 Abstractions, aired on WRVU in Nashville in the late 90s. I only heard it through the internet but it's how I heard new drum & bass songs back then. I had a CD-R of all the RealAudio files but lost it, and all I can find now are those 3.
Coil whine has replaced spinning hard drives as the noise to let you know the computer is doing something
When your normal keeb is too loud to use at night...
Let's ignore the world around us for an hour and add a proper GUI to our ported diff(1) utility
If you found my C Programming on System 6 videos but somehow haven't seen @awesomekling@twitter.com making an entire operating system, go do that now. He's been a huge influence on me in the past year and I continue to be amazed at his skill and ambition, delivered with humility and humor.
Let's port OpenBSD's diff(1) to System 6
Let's show new messages in bold, and introduce some bugs in the process