
These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.

joshua stein via (Mastodon) - Oct 30 2023 16:25:27

I walked over to my local hardware store this morning to find a tube fitting, but they didn't carry the size I needed. Rather than drive to a big box store, I went to McMaster-Carr's website and found the fitting, downloaded their 3D model of it, and printed one in about an hour.

While I would never download a car, in this case I downloaded a Carr. Is this still unethical?

joshua stein via (Mastodon) - Oct 16 2023 12:47:46

The second batch of 10 batteries sold out quickly yesterday (thanks @ActionRetro!) so I had to make them all last night, but it will take a while to charge+discharge+recharge each of them before shipping them all out.

I've ordered a 3rd batch of battery packs and will hopefully have more for sale by the end of the week.