
These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.

joshua stein via (Mastodon) - Oct 16 2023 12:47:46

The second batch of 10 batteries sold out quickly yesterday (thanks @ActionRetro!) so I had to make them all last night, but it will take a while to charge+discharge+recharge each of them before shipping them all out.

I've ordered a 3rd batch of battery packs and will hopefully have more for sale by the end of the week.

joshua stein via (Mastodon) - Sep 23 2023 12:46:50

My wacky goal was to try to do this transparently on the wire, with the BlueSCSI intercepting TCP packets of plaintext to remote IPs on port 443, then do TLS and send out encrypted traffic, read the reply, decrypt it, and send back plaintext on the wire to the Mac. This way applications on the Mac wouldn't need to know anything about TLS, they could just connect to things on port 443 and get plaintext.

But this was too difficult to do because the plain/cipher packets wouldn't match up one-to-one, so I'd have to answer the Mac's TCP connection and buffer data, then create my own outbound TCP connection to the server with hand-crafted TCP packets built using the Mac's IP (since the Pico doesn't have its own stack/IP), and shuffle data between both TCP conections. That meant adding a TCP state machine, trying to find/maintain the current time (needed for x509 validation), etc.