
These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.

joshua stein via (Mastodon) - Nov 26 2023 16:50:57

Today I realized that my car had "Hey Google" turned on when my son in the back seat said something and it responded.

I couldn't figure out how to turn it off so I told Google to do it. It started responding but then stopped to listen to itself say "Hey Google".

joshua stein via (Mastodon) - Nov 03 2023 14:53:05

If you charge your laptop's battery to 100% all the time, eventually the battery life decreases and it will only ever be able to charge to like 90%.

So the solution is to have the laptop limit its charging to 90% to preserve the battery's life, but then any time you need to use the laptop away from your desk it only ever has 90% battery. How is this better?

We're told to do this with our EV but we usually know in advance if we're going on a long trip so we can change the limit and charge to 100% temporarily.