Huzzah, my solder job wasn't terrible and the RGBtoHDMI works
These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.
Huzzah, my solder job wasn't terrible and the RGBtoHDMI works
Here is the first release of Wallops, with source code and THINK C 5 project
Owning up to mistakes is something I still struggle with. It can really be detrimental to relationships to get defensive and since this behavior often stems from childhood, I'm trying to go easier on my son when he makes mistakes so he doesn't try to hide them or get anxious
I wrote an IRC client over the past couple days to chat from my Mac Plus (and to distract me from working on my BBS code)
In the mid/late 90s I would often try to clone mIRC in Visual Basic just to get better at Winsock programming and it usually looked just like this
Well now I need to know why Discord's website is running a regex against a base64-encoded PNG
I finally got all of the components for this RGBtoHDMI project but I've never done SMD soldering before and there's a lot of tiny components... any tips?
OpenBSD has a very rigid way of doing things, which is great for security and attracts developers who have similar rigid thinking in life. I'm sure it appealed to me as a younger know-it-all. But over time, it's harder to cling to decades-old practices while the world moves on.
In my Q&A video I suggested OpenBSD could improve by reaching out to younger developers by making it easier to contribute with Git/GitHub.
A discussion on the ports mailing list came up and I suggested it... which went over like a lead balloon:
get a room already alice and bob
A periodic reminder that I made a website and I would like you to use it
This is a great video about Norton Desktop which makes me kind of sad I never knew about it back in my Windows 3.1 days
Thanks to everyone that sent in questions!
Thanks for all the questions everyone, I was not expecting that many
I've grouped them by category and will be recording my answers today
I'm not a YouTuber and I don't have a podcast anymore, but I thought it might be fun to make one of those Q&A videos
If you have a question about me, my setup, OpenBSD, Pushover, old Macs, whatever, reply with your question here and I'll make a video this week
Please stop spewing ANSI color from your random command-line program