This Mac Plus didn't come with the "programmer's switch", so let's just print one
These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.
This Mac Plus didn't come with the "programmer's switch", so let's just print one
Using resource forks as a database file was a bad idea :(
current mood
The CRT needed some slight voltage, positioning, and size adjustments
Voltage through the floppy port now at 5.05V and 12V and the screen image measures 7.1" x 4.75"
Welcome, slightly yellowed friend
Here's the hard drive... thank you for your service at Benson Public Schools
I soldered in a diode across CR1 to provide SCSI bus power so I can use a SCSI2SD v5.5 like my development machine instead of this big hard drive enclosure it came with
It already has 4 megabytes of RAM installed
The analog board looks good and none of the caps look swollen, but maybe I'll recap it later just for good measure (it's going to be on 24/7)
And a keyboard and mouse... what are these strange keys with arrows on them?
A new Macintosh Plus arrived that will act as my BBS server once I've implemented enough code (see recent videos at
It came with its original box and a SCSI hard drive
So we're just going to skip right to Web4, right?
Anytime someone leaves a bad review for @PushoverApp@twitter.com complaining it doesn't have a particular feature, I remind myself that Instagram was bought a decade ago for a billion dollars and they still don't have an iPad app and the iPad still doesn't have a calculator
canadians what is wrong with you
When Christmas is over, the kid is asleep, the house is finally quiet, and you can work on your pet project while listening to @awesomekling@twitter.com work on his
While my latest video was on the orange site yesterday, I looked for a CDN to mirror my videos to the EU and found @BunnyCDN@twitter.com. I signed up for a free trial and they were mirroring within minutes, serving 190GB of videos yesterday for free. I was happy to become a paying customer.