These are all of my posts made on various platforms, automatically accumulated here for posterity.

when you keep typing your sudo password wrong

Whoa, these old PowerBooks have Wi-Fi!

hi past me

Many of my projects seem to end right at the point where I have to design a PCB and then I give up. I need a Tinkercad for lazy PCB making.

Maybe instead of replacing everything with Rust, we can start by not relying on 25,000-line autoconf shell scripts

FWIW, this eBay auction is not mine, they just ripped off my pictures and description. Not sure if this is just a scam listing or if they are actually selling old PowerBook batteries.


Supposedly a non-root RCE in OpenBSD up to 7.4, appears to require NFSd running though?

I wonder if there's a "sovereign citizen" group of wackos that try to ignore daylight saving time and show up to everything an hour late
Like they get a ticket for driving without a license plate because they don't believe in them, then they show up to court an hour late and get arrested yelling at the judge that the government doesn't have the right to control time

there are dozens of us!

There's a large cache of in-box (much of it unopened) classic Mac software being sold on eBay recently:

"We've put the keyboard to the back of the unit, placed the trackball here in the center, which left this area which we call a palm rest"