BlueSCSI Wi-Fi Desk Accessory
1.3 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive)
SHA256: 40b49ef83b6512bd e571171aa42e9041 9a8577efa895cfae b19bf18a0c82d4de
SHA1: b8fa941eb104c0f9 25436cc8fbc3018a 3ded5b96
This update brings internationalization support for Macs running non-English
installations, and a number of bug fixes.
Continue reading 113 words...
Another update to
building on the
2.0 release
is available:
(StuffIt 3 archive)
SHA256: 7cb16046e076488e 1997e1232631cf2d c9737bac0a94f034 8caf5d183927f4a9
SHA1: fd1d7145aa4baaf5 322175f348644d10 57267a65
This update includes a number of new features and bugfixes:
Continue reading 288 words...
BlueSCSI Wi-Fi Desk Accessory
1.2 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive)
SHA256: 984935cc5e3e2510 2849cd41c52764cb 08060d183d48cfb4 9f9da3eead49aea8
SHA1: 980b17f58babb839 977b7d714f8556a8 2bf33c7e
Continue reading 46 words...
Another large update to my
Wallops IRC client
is available:
wallops-2.0.sit (StuffIt 3 archive, includes
source code and THINK C 5 project file)
SHA256: 532f6c72eadbb9e7 ce74dded1bfcd713 69a61d818f7c7716 0bb8a66d6f1ccf9c
SHA1: c375a24e00900378 e84745c1e11d3d69 76ef749c
This release features an overhaul of the interface bringing tabs allowing
multiple channels and private message queries, including a number of other new
features and bugfixes:
Continue reading 316 words...
I've been working on Carl, my IMAP e-mail client, for the past few months.
Continue reading 149 words...
4.0 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive, includes
source code
and THINK C 5 project file)
SHA256: c33a6abe15e7f071 59a18d936dce7c43 5d9619f80d6c53d1 cdd26fabf06712f7
SHA1: 0f4bdcd08b57b568 125d8ddcab5ad97f 1f5dd586
(Free IP Geolocation from
converted to Subtext IPdb format)
Continue reading 254 words...
BlueSCSI Wi-Fi Desk Accessory
1.1 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive)
SHA256: db06d941d7322089 d8a98ebabf1f9a50 b8f75ade80edbb35 5c127acc9a7fa629
SHA1: c9d6d3d165626ce5 92a65fd9e2011f36 1a0f78e4
Continue reading 48 words...
3.1 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive, includes
source code
and THINK C 5 project file)
SHA256: ef127a83e68918ff 7f57e34c40a539f0 6bbe026943ac5f55 be972c0e4518d0d0
SHA1: 962397af3fd8e472 2a5384ae2634ca86 e2b447f1
(Free IP Geolocation from
converted to Subtext IPdb format)
Continue reading 246 words...
3.0 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive, includes
source code
and THINK C 5 project file)
SHA256: 713f9b465281f894 05522f7aef23d4fa 2bf035c7cd070f69 0395302a4a77045a
SHA1: 47ba8aa40e2abcd3 811c3f26b349a15a 78bcd956
(Free IP Geolocation from
converted to Subtext IPdb format)
Continue reading 337 words...
Wikipedia Reader
1.1 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive, includes
source code
and THINK C 5 project file)
SHA256: 14761cefe2552886 476cdf018445d445 4f355fca31636af5 d55c52e7b28908da
SHA1: acd1b9433113237d 0fd5e15fba6a4c4b 992be783
Changes in this version:
Add support for opening multiple windows
When clicking a hyperlink with the Command key down, open the link in
a new window
Try allocating more memory to resize internal buffers when parsing
rather than just giving up right away
BlueSCSI Wi-Fi Desk Accessory
1.0 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive)
SHA256: ccfc9d27dd5da741 2d10cef73b81119a 1fec3848e4d1d88f f652a07ffdc6a69a
SHA1: ff124972f202ceda 6d7fa4788110a67c cda6a13a
This is the initial public release of my BlueSCSI Wi-Fi Desk Accessory for
classic Mac OS.
Wikipedia Reader
1.0 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive, includes
source code
and THINK C 5 project file)
SHA256: 360e12d064f65796 95f1e627ce34cb2f 09347a5f86a5fc9f 553df7763829265
SHA1: b7761c15c591fcf3 47edb7026918b794 313ed2bc
This is the initial release of my Wikipedia reader for classic Mac OS.
Over the past year or so, I've been working with other
developers to add Wi-Fi functionality to their open-hardware SCSI device,
enabling Wi-Fi support for old Macs and other vintage computers going back some
36 years.
Continue reading 3,629 words...
2.0.1 has been released:
(StuffIt 3 archive, includes
source code
and THINK C 5 project file)
SHA256: 9db9c5f4090fd72e b353e52607ee6a48 d3ec31e45adc29d5 09a28ef8f12fd5e8
SHA1: 241dd8c9e50fe4a4 e4a8e6fcb36db05c 53f54385
This is a major update to Subtext that represents many months of development,
200 amendments ,
and many nights of testing and debugging.
The largest change is the addition of
FidoNet (FTN)
support for distributed mail (Netmail) and message boards (Echomail) by way of a
binkp hub .
Continue reading 369 words...